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What are Archangels

An angel is considered to be a single local entity (one individual angel), An archangel is a universal archetype; not a single entity. An archangel is a consciousness that pervades the entire universe with it’s wisdom, knowledge and frequency. In other words, angels are the individual spirits you could have a conversation with. The archangel would then be the sum of all angels of it’s type.


When you speak, pray, or do a ritual to an archangel, your thoughts, intentions, and consciousness transmigrates into the archangel’s realm, or range of frequency, or field of consciousness. From there its own consciousness modulates your plea, and it is returned to you, charged with the Archangel’s own universal wisdom and power. 

The Art of Rituals

Whenever you pay attention to something, part of your consciousness, or intentions, go towards your intended target or interlocutor. This phenomenon is called “Transmigration of Consciousness”. The more you focus your mind, heart and will on the process, the more intense will the transmigration.


A ritual involves physical objects, complex esoteric mechanics, and physical actions that will empower the ritual on the mental, emotional and physical plane. It is the most powerful tool to invoke the Divine intervention of the archangels. The results will come faster, and they may affect the manifest reality (the physical plane).

Learn the rituals here!

The Ten Archangels

While there are more than 10 archangels, there are 10 major archangels, associated to the 10 planes of consciousness (10 sephiroth of the Tree of Life). They each cover specific areas of competence, or influence.

  1. Metatron: manifestation, humility, paradoxes.

  2. Ratziel: esoteric mysteries, gratitude, universal mechanics.

  3. Tzaphkiel: Divine intelligence, compassion, transformation.

  4. Tzadkiel: Equity, freedom, forgiveness, justice.

  5. Kamael: Spiritual influence, moral strength, causality.

  6. Michael: Personal growth, faith, relationship with God.

  7. Haniel: Creativity, charity, relationship with nature.

  8. Raphael: Medicine, prudence, human relationships.

  9. Gabriel: Revelations, hope, physical energy.

  10. Sandalphon: Physics and chemistry, simplicity, reality.

Success, health, wealth, protection… many of these topics mostly depend on your interpretation. They usually involve more than one archangel. We will explain some of these topics and provide examples so you can build your own ritual. Go to rituals.

Learning tools

Download superb images of the archangels used on this website, in high resolution, for as low as 3$ for all images.

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The Seven Seals, a book from the same author of this website, guides you through an occult experience, where you obtain powerful ritual knowledge.

Get it on Amazon

© 2021 by Maha Vajra

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